That's right, the Lightning Strikers are undefeated! Who are the Lightning Strikers? My fantasy football team of course! I have the coolest wife ever. How cool? I asked where she wanted to go out for our seven year anniversary Monday and she just looked at me with a dissappointed face and asked if I really thought she would rather go out and miss Monday Night Football. Anyways, she is the one who created our fantasy league two years ago. How did my team get a crazy name like the Lightning Strikers? Well, when we are not engaging in such cool activities as fantasy football, we often enjoy a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit on the weekends (we are really wild party people I know). My dear wife usually kicks my rear with her amazing knowledge, but I have a rather mean tactic to stay in the game. On the final space of the game the opponent gets to pick the question from any of the categories on the card. So, since she is usually in the final space way ahead of me, I always choose the hardest question on the card so I can catch up. Usually the most obscure sports questions about golf, tennis, or soccer. One night after literally about 5 hours of a mind numbing Trivial Pursuit standoff, the question I picked was regarding the name of some foreign soccer team that nearly no one on earth would know. Feeling particularly evil, I wouldn't let her just say that she didn't know and I pressed her for the name of the team. Finally she blurted out, "I don't know... THE LIGHTNING STRIKERS!??!". We burst out laughing for the longest time because we are huge nerds. So now I proudly use the name for my team. Man, that was the geekiest post ever. Also, kudos to my brother-in-law for the least creative team name this season. :)
1 comment:
Have you ever tried strip poker? Just might be in for a really good time if you do....you little eggheads!
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