Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I can't think of anything to write about so here are some pictures from recent baseball games we have been to. I went to two Frisco Roughriders games in one week! Unfortunately I only took pictures at one of them.

I was lucky to catch games that had two major league players in them while they were rehabbing injuries! Here is the Texas Ranger's All-Star Outfielder Nelson Cruz:

Also present in the second game (that I did not take pictures at) was All-Star second basemen Ian Kinsler. I did, however, get pictures of Ric Renner, famous FSN sportscaster with his infamous hairdo-

This is the best photo I could find of him online if you don't know who he is-

Next we went to a Texas Ranger's game. Here is the view from our favorite seats (right field lower deck)

Thanks to a controversial homerun call I was even on TV! See that little blue dot next to the orange dot? That's me!

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